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Assignment 1

We discussed in the class about the need to interpret our past, and the role of interpretation in history of science. What about the role of interpretation in science? Do we interpret anything in science? If so, what do we interpret?

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assignment 1

Posted by sarath at Feb 02, 2009 08:42 PM
interpretation plays a key role in science.The science is how it is now only because we started to interpret that events have a physical cause.
              As an example: suppose we do an experiment and get some outcome.we interpret the outcome and attribute it to 'so and so' physical causes.Basically we interpret the 'cause factor' in science.The interpretation is many times based on strong experimental evidence and sound logic.

assignment 1

Posted by dhruv at Feb 04, 2009 01:44 AM
Yes, indeed interpretation is very important in science. experimental sciences essentially involve data interpretation, which leads to further development in the theory. again, even in theory, sometimes we need to interpret some mathematical equation, & derive the physical meaning out of it. hence, development in science is impossible without interpretation. science is, in fact the logical interpretation of natural phenomena.

assignment no.1

Posted by abhishek25490 at Feb 04, 2009 02:10 AM
Our history is full of interpretation.Yes there are many interpretation in science.Indeed there are many things in science that we interpret.for ex anything scientific that is happening around us like--rising of the sun,falling of the rain,formation of clouds etc we try to interpret it and try to find that why all this is happening.
In science we generally interpret phenomena,objects,events (like BING BANG THEORY) and then try to understand their importance in science.Hence one can easily conclude that finally these interpretation of various things science has eventually led to development in science day by day.One should always keep in mind that science developed day by day with one thinking that "EVERY PHYSICAL THING THAT IS HAPPENING IS HAVING A PHYSICAL CAUSE BEHIND IT".for experimental science one finds that interpretation helps in understanding the data one has obtained and thus finally associated things that we do like graph drawing,so interpretation of graph helps us finally to find the relationship between various variables used i.e..,this helps us to find out the mathematical interpretation of experiments finally heps us to understand more better the theory associated with it and also try to improve the theory if anything wrong is there.
So what i believe is that science must have physical interpretation.

assignment no.1

Posted by jadhav at Feb 04, 2009 02:13 AM
I feel that science is a human understanding about a natural phenomenon followed by systematic experimentation.After experimentation one has to interpret the deduced data so that he can arrive at a conclusion. so i feel science requires interpretation
  about the second question i think that in science we try to interpret the evidence of physical
phenomenon or even sometimes the hypotheses

assingment 1

Posted by praneet_cbscients at Feb 04, 2009 04:37 AM
in my view there is no need to interpret the past as far as our normal life is considered,but it is our curosity to know about the past..
the role of interpretation was very much important in the past as we know that most of the greek philosphers first interpreted the nature and then presented their theories to explain it......
the whole science is based on interpretations we try to interpret the changes which is taking place around us,wether it is simple day or night phenomenon or the data's taken by the supercomputers during the operation of large hadron collider......

role of interpretation in science

Posted by sniranjan at Feb 04, 2009 04:39 AM
we human try to explain natural phenomenon taking place around us.To do so we try to interpret it in terms of physical reason,supernatural reason etc. science started when this phenomenas were explained in terms of physical reasons and also tried to find proof for this interpretations by means of experiments.if this interpretation turns true then it becomes law .experiments and this interpretation goes on and interpretation plays important role in science

interpretation in science

Posted by alkesh at Feb 04, 2009 05:15 AM
yes we do interpret in science.we interpret the phenomenons of nature in a way which we can understand or comprehend
we derive equations for a particular physical phenomenon and then interpret the various aspect of that phenomenon from that equations

interpretation in science

Posted by piousanya123 at Feb 05, 2009 11:00 PM
interpretation is very important in science. science is based on experimentation and experimentation has interpretation. many phenomenons has to be explained on the basis interpretation. if nothing is interpreted , there is no conclusion. so, its important to interpret in science.

Assignment 1

Posted by VIVEK126 at Feb 11, 2009 01:36 AM
Well that is very true ....
interpretation is very crucial part of science , but as you see not only interpretation , but analysis and also our reasoning and ability to justify our thoughts to the unknown world is also very important .
Like in olden days , Aristotle and various other Greeks started thinking on entirely different lines , away from mythology and more towards explaining things in a better and natural way . At that time interpretation was more important as they were the early thoughts which began the long journey of science .
Nowdays , apart from interpreting things , we also need to explain things and the way we think , so as it is best able to explain the observed phenomenon and many things related , and also not contradicting the well established theories ....


Posted by sandiip at Feb 11, 2009 05:22 AM
Interpretations plays a key role in development of science.Mainly we interpret how does nature work,why does it work in that particular way and similar type of questions.Data from the practical , and theory explanations both requires a lot of interpretations.We can't interpret anything in science e.g.we can't interpret politics etc.Interpretation is very basis for the development of science.

intrepretations in science

Posted by nsingh at Mar 04, 2009 02:27 AM
yes , not only in science but in many other things interpretions are there. we do some experiment and get some observations out of it that is not the only aim of an experiment,analysing and giving explanations to the observation is required and now what v do is called inerpretaion. so it is very imp. also even in past and even now we have been interpreting the natual occuring phenomenas. so to study events we need to interpret several things.
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